There aren't many films that make me cry. But 'A Beautiful Mind' is one of them. Possibly because it's a true story. And I haven't seen it in ages, which is probably why I cried.
Anyway, one of the songs on the soundtrack (which I'm gonna have to buy!) is called 'All Love Can Be'. I've learnt to play it on the piano because it's beautiful piece of music, but I've never listened to the lyrics. As the film came to an end just now though I let the credits roll and heard the words:
I will watch you in the darkness
Show you love will see you through
When the bad dreams wake you crying
I'll show you all love can do
All love can do
I will watch by the night
Hold you in my arms
Give you dreams where no one will be
I will watch through the dark
Till the morning comes
For the lights will take you
Through the night to see
All love, showing us all love can be
I will guard you with my bright wings
Stay till your heart learns to see
All love can be
One of the things that really impacts you in the film is the immense love between John (main character) and his wife. The way she demonstrates her love for him. It's powerful and it's moving. And so I guess, being the theme tune, this song is meant to be a reflection of that love between two humans.
When I read those lyrics I can't help but think of God's love. In fact, just thinking of love should make me think of God. Because love, and our ability to love, is an amazing gift from Him. He IS love (1 John 4:16). And we only love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
I don't know where I'm going with this post really!
I'm bowled over, in fact, by God's love for me!
I'm reminded that I need to remember it more, especially when the going gets tough.
I'm challenged by how I should be reflecting it in my life (Leviticus 19:18), because without love I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2).
I'm so thankful for the love I'm shown by family and friends.
I'm wanting people to know about God's love. I'm wondering; when people experience love from friends, family, boy/ they know that there's a greater Love? When people feel betrayed by those they love, do they know there's a Love that will never leave them nor forsake them?
I wonder, does the guy who wrote that song know that the love which inspired the words is only possible because of God? A God who loves him and sent his son to die for him?
I'm reminded that God's love is great (1 John 3:1), perfect (1 John 4:18), everlasting (Psalm 103:17, Jeremiah 31:3) and enduring (1 Chronicles 16:41), abounding (Exodus 34:6, Psalm 86:5), unfailing (Exodus 15:13, Psalm 52:8), and nothing will ever separate me from it (Romans 8:37-39).
It will watch me, it will hold me and it will guard me.
Because it is ALL love can be.