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Sunday, January 08, 2006

FINISHED!! Hallelujah!


I've finished my work! Well, the stuff that's due in on Monday anyway!

At least I think I have, I'm sure I've forgotten to do summat.

Phew, what a marathon of a week. Kat's right (course she is, I told her!), I haven't been to bed before midnight since Saturday. Actually, its more like before 1! Average is prob 1:30am. And gettin up at 7/8. Working all day and evening.

Now I'm thinking bout it, I dunno how I've done it!

Yeah I do. God's grace. It totally is. And today, when I felt RUBBISH after nowhere near enough sleep, or good enough quality, when did I suddenly have a burst of energy that's enabled me to finish my work and just kick back, relax, and enjoy a day with Him tomorrow before the manic-ness of term starts?

When I prayed for it!

Hallelujah, God is good. And He gave us the gift of sleep! I can't see most of my room, it's covered in books and articles and clothes that I haven't put away... But I can see my bed, that's the most important thing right now!

Nos da.
(Good night!)


Blogger Jonny:) said...

Hmmmm sounds like you dissertation, its all fun fun fun, although one of the best uni times is handing it in.

Have a great term, thinking i'll be up in Feb to watch you get thrashed by England, LOL

6:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Have a look at this - why one poet studies poetry... why study poetry?

12:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Amen to that Ceryn, God is indeed awesome when it comes to work (as well as everything else!!) and just to think, all we need to do is ask!!!

crazy :)

9:51 AM  

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