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Wednesday, February 15, 2006


The more I delve into this dissertation, the more I'm reminded of how great kids are....and of how great God is!

(Show child a picture of a windmill)
Ceryn: What's this?
Child: A...umm....a round round mill (waves arms around in a circle depicting the motion of a windmill)

Isn't our ability to communicate amazing, even when we don't have the words....


This kid deserves a round of applause for a) making me laugh while I was collecting my data, b) being able to come up with a suitable alternative when he couldn't tell me the word he knew I wanted, c) making me laugh whilst writing up my results...

God deserves a stupendous amount of praise for the gifts He's given us, so many of which we take for granted - not least of all communication (and I don't just mean speech/language).

Woohoo! God rocks! How amazing is it that I can find Him in my dissertation?!

AND it's a beautiful day and I just wanna be outside in His creation...but He's here with me now in the masses of paper. Yeah! Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazin'!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Totally awesome that we can find God in our work! Mind you, he is the God of SPSS and Matlab, we ought to ask him first before getting started ;)

4:42 PM  

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