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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Here is love?

From the talk in church on Sunday:

Hebrews 13:1-10.

Hebrews reads more like a sermon than a letter, with warning after warning throughout it. Chapter 12 -the God who calls us to serve Him is a consuming fire. God's love knows no bounds. A passionate love for humanity. His love refines and purifies those who come to Him in repentance and faith and burns up those who refuse Him. Fire is the same. It's the material of our lives that lends itself either to refinement or insineration.

Live with a willingness to serve God and grow in Christ.

Chapter 13 - exultation which reverberates throughout the New Testament: 'Keep on loving'.

Andrew Murray:
"The command of our text reminds us of how love may wax cold and how it may be sadly wanting in the church."

Judaism got in the way of the gospel of Christ in Jesus' days. But through the centuries, Christianity has gotten in the way. We need to face up to the fact that it's not always other religions whichdivert people away from the gospel.

How often are people intrigued by Jesus but turned off by Christians?

"Alas, how little has Christ's church proved that it has its birth from the God of love..." (Andrew Murray)


SHOW HOSPITALITY TO STRANGERS. There's a caveat there - you may entertain angels. It's strange, but in our society it seems that the more we benefit materially, the less we entertain and the more we shut ourselves off with our possessions. How often is it that it is those with nothing who are the kindest in opening their doors and sharing what little they have with joyful hearts.

SHARE OTHERS' SUFFERINGS. Identify. Empathise.Show a love that cares, shares, is authentic and real.

DON'T LOVE MATERIAL THINGS. Remember, where your heart is, there your treasure will be also.

Hebrews 13 is a very practical chapter. Echoes of 1 Corinthians 13 - if I have not love, I am nothing. Demonstrate it!

God says He will never leave us and never forsake us. Where we place our trust is SO vital. "Too much interest in earthly things inevitably weakens ourhold on God." - Andrew Murray.

Don't worry. Seek first the kingdom of God. What can man do to me? (verse 6).

If you think about it, there are plenty of examples you can find from your own life and the lives of others which should encourage you to live by faith. But those often arent enough to keep us going. So look to Jesus. Look to His consistency. the same yesterday, today and forever (verse 8).

All that He has been, He will be forever. All that He will be forever, He is today. So therefore, all that He is, past, present and future, He is today.

Jesus is both sacrifice and sustenance. He is our provider of resources that call usto live differently and to be Jesus to the world. We have to die with Him. We can't do it in our own strength. We are called to be a people who God can refine.


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